Proposed efficient method for ticket booking (PEMTB)


The main purpose of this study is to explore the different platform that influence the client to become social. Our project (GO-tickets) is more easy way to book /buy ticket for all categories of events which is held in our town which includes the movie, festivals, holiday tour, events, sports and much more. This project is based on Cloud computing and we implement the digitalized concept of ticket marketing in which person can buy tickets in digital form and use single platform for all types of events booking. We used angular JS, ionic for a front end and node.js, express.js for a back end and mongo DB for a database. Our application works on both OS platform (IOS and android).Our proposed system is totally softcopy and in digitalized. The project has been successfully in the developing process and the system performance is found satisfactory. The use of computers in this technology era is nonproductive tasks to helps the users to reduce the time and wait. User-friendly menu interface the users can then use the services of the application via to fill a registration form can register themselves for book the tickets. This research paper of Go-Ticket application deals with the modern technology development of mobile phone application which is more simple effective, easy way to use and we also introduce QR scanning bar code reader that contain information about ticket in the form of bar-code. Moreover, the authentication of the ticket is checking by another person through QR scanning bar code reader which verify, QR-code detail information with the database and reduces the burden of event manager

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