3D-Wound Imaging: Precise, Consistent, and Efficient


Background: The most common method of obtaining wound measurements is the hand-ruler method. Studies show that the hand-ruler method results in the most inaccurate measurements with the lowest interrater reliability. Studies also show that using 3D-wound imaging yields the most accurate measurements with the best interrater reliability. 3D-wound imaging technology also increases efficiency by allowing users to obtain images and document assessments using one device at the bedside. Purpose: The purpose of this project is to make the process of assessing wounds more efficient by decreasing the time spent on photographing, measuring, and documenting wound assessments by implementing the use of 3D-wound imaging technology and software. Methods: Prior to the implementation of the 3D-wound technology, a baseline time of completing skin rounds assessments of wounds including imaging, measuring, and documentation was obtained via questionnaire asking nurses the average time they have experienced in completing all skin rounds duties including imaging, assessing, and documenting wounds. During implementation of 3D-wound imaging, start and end times were obtained through the 3D-wound software reporting dashboard. Other information collected included the number of wounds and number of patients that were seen. Post implementation data was analyzed 2-months after implementation. Evaluation/Results: After 2 months, the results showed a decrease in time to image wounds, conduct a full assessment and complete documentation by an average of 4.73 hours or 59%. Implementation of 3D-wound technology also allowed for realignment of the skin rounds team and decrease the number nursing personnel required on the team. Implications for Practice: Streamlining the process of wound assessment and documentation by implementing the use of 3D-wound imaging technology can be rolled out to the entire hospital, including outpatient clinics. A more widespread use of the technology can lead to decreased man-hours across the facility and therefore decreased costs. Conclusion: Future studies can show how clinicians use the accurate data provided by the 3D-wound imaging device in making treatment decisions which can ultimately lead to faster healing and decreased hospital bed days

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