Growth hormone deficiency in a Nigerian child with Turner’s syndrome: a case report and review of growth assessment in children


Turner syndrome is the most common chromosomal abnormality affecting women with a prevalence of 1 in 2000 live births. Genetics show that most of the patients have monosomy 45 XO and the commonest phenotype is short stature. Growth hormone deficiency is uncommon but consensus statements have endorsed GH treatment for short girls with Turner syndrome.Case report: A 15 year old Turner syndrome patient who had delayed evaluation for short stature was noticed to be short for age, with a height of 125 cm (-5SDS). Growth hormone stimulation test revealed growth hormone deficiency and she was commenced on growth hormone therapy.Conclusion: Simple and regular measurement of children’s height with chart plotting is necessary to pick up children who have short stature. Growth hormone treatment early in the course of management of a child with Turner syndrome may help achieve normal final height.Keywords: Turner’s syndrome, short stature, growth hormone deficiency, growth hormone treatment, Nigeri

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