Factors associated with airway colonisation and invasion due to Klebsiella spp.


The clinical significance of a heavy growth of Klebsiella spp. in sputum was studied in 54 patients. All but 3 patients had significant factors potentially associated with respiratory tract colonisation or invasion. Risk factors identified for colonisation of the airway and for invasive disease were similar. Patients with commnunity-acquired Klebsiella infections were more likely to have underlying chronic respiratory diseases. Prior antibiotic use was a risk factor for nosocomial infections which occurred more conunonly with antibiotic-resistant organisms.The most commmon diagnoses were airway colonisation, acute community-acquired chest infections, and nosocomial chest infections. Primary acute conununity-acquired pneumonia was unconunon.The sensitivity and specificity of the sputum Gram stain (in the setting of positive sputum cultures) in suggesting the presence of invasive disease due to Klebsiella spp. were 42% and 69% respectively

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