Composition and distribution of economic tree species in Nagi Forest Reserve, Benue State, Nigeria


The inventory of economic trees in Nagi Natural Forest Reserve, Benue state was carried out to determine the status and dominance tree species. A total area of 0.4ha was sampled representing twenty percent of the reserve. Ten (10) sample plots of equal size (20 m x 20m) were randomly selected using simple random design. In each plot, all living trees with stem diameter (dbh) ≥10 cm were identified with their botanical names and their diameter at breast heights were all measured. A total number of 84 trees were enumerated on 0.4 ha sample area. The results of the study showed that 19 genera belonging to 15 families were present.Families of Caesalpiniceae, Chrysobalanceae, Euphobiaceae and Leguminosae were dominant with two species each. All other families had only one species each. Based on the results obtained, only three (3) economic tree species out of the 22 protected were found in Nagi forest reserve. These include Prosopis africana, Parkia biglobosa and Khaya senegalensis, with frequencies of 9, 6 and 4, respectively. Prosopis africana recorded the highest mean basal area (0.27m) while Bridelia ferruginea (0.012m) recorded the least basal area. Higher number of stands were recorded in P. africana (9) and the least number of stands were recorded in Daniellia oliverii (2). Also, Prosopis africana was the most dominant while Morinda lucida was the least   dominant. Sustainable management of the protected species should be consider as a priority by Government and individual. This can be achieved through  establishment of plantation of such protected species. This could prevent the imminent loss of  biological diversity that would eventually accompany the exploration.Key Words: Economic, tree, species, dominant, forest reserve

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