Progeny trial of Prosopis africana in Benue State, Nigeria


Progeny trial of Prosopis africana in Benue State, Nigeria was carried out in a pot culture experiment over a period of three months. The State was stratified into three zones and one Local Government Area was randomly selected from each zone for seed collection. The seeds were assessed for germination in the laboratory, and seedling emergence, bi-monthly height and numbers of leaves were taken on the field for three months. At the end of 90 days after sowing, seedling total dry matter weight was taken. Tetraoxosulphate (VI) acid (H2SO4) seed scarification gave the best germination (100%), followed by hot water (20%), while ordinary water led to no seed germination (0%). Seeds collected from zone A (derived savannah) showed the best performance in seedling height, leaf number and total biomass. Whereas, seeds from Zone B (Southern Guinea Savannah) gave the least. Based on the studies, Katsina-Ala (zone A) can be regarded as the best place for collection of seeds of Prosopis africana for plantation establishment.Keywords: Prosopis africana, progeny, seed germination, seedling emergence, seed

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