Successful intralesional bleomycin injections for the management of a huge life-threatening cervical lymphangioma in a 3-day-old neonate


Intralesional bleomycin injections (IBI) for the management of a huge life-threatening cervical cystic hygroma is superior to surgery. Surgery has a high rate of morbidity and even mortality. Recurrence and injury to major vessels, nerves, and lymphatics may be unavoidable. The authors report on a 3-day-old male infant who was diagnosed antenatally as a case of a huge cervical cystic hygroma. Postnatally, the patient required mechanical ventilation. The patient was treated successfully with IBI without complications. To our knowledge, this is the youngest case presenting acutely to be treated successfully with IBI without complications.Keywords: bleomycin, neonatal cystic hygroma, respiratory distres

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