Network-Based Material Requirements Planning (NBMRP) in Product Development Project


Projects are characterized by inefficient time utilization, downtimes and operational delays during the execution stage due to poor material supply programmes. To address the problems, this study evaluated the existing material planning practice, and formulated a NBMRP model out of the variables of the existing MRP and CPM models. Both primary and secondary data were used to test and apply the model to a product development project. The method of CPM was used for data analysis, and a heuristic method based on the logical sequence of critical activities was used for performance evaluation. The result of the analysis indicated that the model performed very well by coordinating the flow and usage rates of materials. Downtimes and operational delays were eliminated giving rise to 100% efficiency when all the research assumptions are taken into consideration. The study recommends in-depth feasibility analysis of materials with respect to availability, sustainability and uninterrupted scheduled flow throughout the project life cycle. Key Words: Material Requirements Planning, Lead time, Network Analysis, Critical Path, Heuristics

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