A simulation study of the negative effect of the competing ability of incorrupt persons on the time to extinction of corrupt interactions in a system


The Judicial and Economical approaches employed over the years in combating corruption practices has not been completely successful. This work seeks to complement these approaches as it applied the Sterile Insect Techniques (SIT) in curbing corruption. This was done with the intent of investigating the negative effect of the competing ability (CA) of the incorrupt persons on the time to extinction of corrupt interactions in a system. The model successfully determined the number of incorrupt interaction that will completely prevent the flow of corrupt interactions arising from the corrupt persons in the system. Various scenario of competing abilities were simulated. This begins with CA = 1.0 down to CA = 0.0 with a step size of 0.1. The result showed that for a system of carrying capacity of twenty (20), it takes a time interval of 52 to 492 time units for corrupt interactions to go extinct (with 52 time units for CA = 1.0 and 492 time units for CA = 0.1). The overall result showed that, low competing abilities reflect negatively on the extinctions’ time of corrupt interactions in a system. In conclusion, the introduction of persons with unwavering integrity in a system, will reduce the negative effect of extending the time to extinction of corrupt practices in a system

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