Software implementation of multiple model neural filter for radar target tracking


The paper presents a software implementation of multiple model neural filter for radar target tracking. Such a filter may be proposed as an interesting alternative for numerical filters. The main purpose of software implementation is to provide a tool for complex research of the filter possibilities and adjusting options. A concept of a filter is briefly mentioned, however the main body of paper is focused on user-approach detailed description of application with UML use-case diagrams. Examples of detailed presentation of usecases are given and the general use-case diagram for application is included. The application itself is to be an advanced tool for researchers interested in analyzing target tracking process, providing different tracking methods and the possibility of adjusting their parameters. The possibility of simulating any scenario, as well as working with real data (also on-line) was ensured. The research was financed by Polish National Centre of Science under the research project “Development of radar target tracking methods of floating targets with the use of multiple model neural filtering”

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