Die teologiese gerigtheid van die Departement Kerkgeskiedenis 1957-1992


The theological character of the Department of Church History 1957-1992The theological character of the Department of Church History at the Theological Faculty (Sec A) of the University of Pretoria is closely connected to the life andwork of prof dr A D Pont. He accepted the call to the chair as a commission of the Church. His thought represents an extract of biblical and reformational theologyenriched by a wide spectrum of theological thinking from the past and the present by great theologians like Kohlbrugge, Hoedemaker, Barth, Cullmann and Noordmans. The theology of the Reformation, however, is taken as the criterion of comparison for the history of the church before and since. With regard to South African Church History, Pont laid the foundations for a typical theology of the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika, emphasising the close relationship between the Church and the Afrikaner

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