Management of Spontaneous Pneumothorax in Pregnancy in a Low‑Income Country during COVID‑19 Pandemic


Spontaneous pneumothorax is a rare and life-threatening emergency. When it occurs in pregnancy, it poses a serious danger for both the mother and the fetus. A high index of suspicion, early diagnosis, and proper management are recommended. We present the case of a 35‑year‑old pregnant woman at the 34th week of gestation who presented via the emergency department complaining of sudden onset of dyspnea and chest pain. The clinical and radiologic evaluation confirmed the right‑sided pneumothorax. She had a closed tube thoracostomy drainage (CTTD) following which the patient’s condition improved. She subsequently had chest tube removal with no recurrence beyond delivery as she had a good outcome. Keywords: Chest tube, COVID‑19, pregnancy, spontaneous pneumothora

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