Impact of waste batteries dumpsites on the water quality of parts of Ibadan northeast (sheet 261), southwestern Nigeria


Industrial waste disposal commands a relatively large share of attention, because many industrial wastes are toxic and hazardous. Open dump methods used by Exide Batteries Manufacturing Company are unsatisfactory means of solid waste disposal because certain elements such as Lead (Pb), Zinc (Zn) and Copper (Cu) used in the Production of these batteries are toxic and require special handling in disposal. The disposal of waste batteries and accumulators at Olodo, Arubiewe and Ikumapayi villages led to the need for the determination of the Heavy Metals, Cations and Anions concentrations of surface and ground waters of these areas. A study of twenty-one water samples which were randomly collected from streams, hand-dug wells and borehole at Olodo, Arubiewe, Ikumapayi was carried out, samples from the Polytechnic Ibadan North Campus which served as a control point. Field parameters such as geographical co-ordinates, elevation, water level, colour, odour, taste and pH were determined. The following hydrochemical parameters were determined Anions (Cl, -SO4 2- NO3- and HCO3-), Cations (Mg2+, Na+ K+ and total Fe) and Heavy metals (Pb, Zn, Cu, and Cd). These were determined using the Atomic Absorption spectrophotometer bulk200 models. Results of the geochemical analyses for both surface and ground water samples were assessed and compared to World Health Organization (WHO) standard and also to the control sample (Polytechnic Ibadan). The concentrations of Anions (Cl, SO42-, HCO3- NO32-) were found to be adequate and below the acceptable permissive level so alsowere the concentrations of the Cations (Mg, Na and K). However, the concentrations of Pb, Cu and Cd exceeded the maximum permissible level at Olodo, Ikumapayi and Arubiewe, while that of Zn was below the minimum permissible level. The Leachate from the waste batteries and accumulators’ dumpsites that came in contact with surface and shallowgroundwater was considered to be responsible for the high values of Pb, Cu and Cd. This is further corroborated by the values of these trace elements at the control points. The continual usage of these waters constitutes a great health hazard to plants, animals and man

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