Prostate cancer and chronic lymphocytic leukemia


The association between prostate cancer and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is rare.We report a case of 69 year old man who presented a CLL, classified as Binet stage C, treated with FCR protocol. After six cycles of chemotherapy, itwas in complete remission. Eighteen months after the end of treatment, the patient presented with dysuria and back pain. Digital rectal examination revealed an indurated prostate. The PSA was elevated to 1103 ng/ml. Prostate biopsy with histopathologic study showed poorly differentiated prostate adenocarcinoma (Gleason score: 8). Staging workup revealed bone metastases. Adjuvant radiotherapy and pulpectomy associated with bisphosphonates and analgesics was proposed. The association between CLL and prostate cancer appears too frequent to be accidental.Keywords: Prostate cancer; Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia; TreatmentAfrican Journal of Urology (2013) 19, 35–3

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