Experimental studies of static torque/rotor position characteristics of stepper motors


W artykule podano definicję charakterystyki kątowej momentu statycznego silnika skokowego i zamieszczono klasyfikację stanowisk do badań charakterystyk kątowych. Opisano zbudowaną w Politechnice Warszawskiej automatyczną stację pomiarową do badania charakterystyk statycznych silników skokowych, skonstruowaną z wykorzystaniem wieloletnich doświadczeń autorów w dziedzinie badania właściwości mikromaszyn elektrycznych. Opisano schemat budowy stanowiska pomiarowego, podano konfigurację systemu pomiarowego. Scharakteryzowano program komputerowy do sterowania pomiarami i prowadzenia akwizycji wyników oraz ich graficznej wizualizacji. Na zakończenie zamieszczono przykładowe charakterystyki silników otrzymane opisanym urządzeniem i ich interpretację.In the introduction of the paper there is justified a need of using modern and effective test stands for studying stepper motors with regard to automation of their manufacturing processes and mass production of these motors. A definition of static torque/rotor position charac-teristics of a stepper motor as well as a definition of its static stability zone and angular deviation of the rotor position while loaded with an external torque are given. There is included a classification of test stands for studying angular characteristics of stepper motors (Fig. 1), and there is described an automatic measurement station for studying static characteristics of stepper motors, built at the Warsaw University of Technology, designed on the basis of a long-standing experience of the authors in the field of studying properties of electric micromachines. A schematic of a structure of the measurement station is shown (Fig. 2), and a configuration of the measuring system is presented (Fig. 3). In Tab. 1 the basic functional parameters describing the device are collected and its essential metrological features are given. In the further part of the paper there is characterized a computer program for controlling measurements and performing data acquisition related to results of the measurements as well as their graphical visualization. An algorithm of the program operation is also presented (Fig. 5). At the end there are presented exemplary static torque/rotor position characteristics of a hybrid motor supplied in a standard way (Fig. 6) and not supplied (no current flow) - Fig. 7, obtained by means of the described system. The summary describes shortly the content of the paper and provides interpretation of the obtained results of measurements. The references consist of an extensive list of publications related to the problem of studying characteristics of stepper motors, issued over a period of many years

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