Designing reversible circuits in the LNN architecture


Najnowszy kierunek w projektowaniu kwantowych układów odwracalnych uwzględnia fakt, że interakcje odbywają się tylko na sąsiadujących liniach. Ostatnio zaproponowano wiele algorytmów projektowania takich układów oraz zajmowano się ich optymalizacją. W pracy przedstawiony jest przegląd tych rozwiązań oraz perspektywy rozwoju tej ważnej dziedziny.Computation is called reversible if it is realized by circuits implementing bijective mappings. It is an emerging research area which has applications in many new areas of computer science, e.g. quantum computing, nanotechnologies, optical computing, digital signal processing, communications, bioinformatics, cryptography as well as low power computation. Quantum computation, which by nature is reversible, constitutes an especially attractive field of research due to a promise of an enormous speed-up of computing processes in the future. However, it has appeared that in some quantum technologies there are intrinsic limitations, namely, physically realizable operations would be only interactions between neighbor lines (also called qubits). As reversible circuits form a subset of quantum circuits there is a need to convert general reversible circuits into the so-called Linear Nearest Neighbor (LNN) architecture. In this architecture any gate operates between adjacent qubits only. Thus, recently there has been a new research objective to develop efficient methods for designing reversible circuits in the LNN architecture. This paper gives an overview of the present advances in this field

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