Studying teachers' mathematical argumentation in the context of refuting students' invalid claims


This study investigates teachers' argumentation aiming to convince students about the invalidity of their mathematical claims in the context of calculus. 18 secondary school mathematics teachers were given three hypothetical scenarios of a student's proof that included an invalid algebraic claim. The teachers were asked to identify possible mistakes and explain how they would refute the student's invalid claims. Two of them were also interviewed. The data were analysed in terms of the content and structure of argumentation and the types of counterexamples the teachers generated. The findings show that teachers used two main approaches to refute students' invalid claims, the use of theory and the use of counterexamples. The role of these approaches in the argumentation process was analysed by Toulmin's model and three types of reasoning emerged that indicate the structure of argumentation in the case of refutation. Concerning the counterexamples, the study shows that few teachers use them in their argumentation and in general they underestimate their value as a proof method. © 2010 Elsevier Inc

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