Towards a project management framework for ICT projects in defence institutions


A framework for information and communication technology (ICT) projects may address the discord between traditional project management and that which is required for ICT projects within defence institutions. The problem is underlined by the pace of technological development and the current application of compromised project management. Globally, no specific project management methodology is prominently suitable for solution delivery within defence institutions. The aim of this research was to address the problem by development of a framework for the management of ICT projects for defence institutions. The research methods used to address the problem were twofold with respect to a descriptive study. Secondary sources were utilised to describe a thorough background to the problem, and secondly, a descriptive case study was used. The ICT function of the South African Department of Defence (DOD) was used for the case study. A synthesis of the data from these sources guided the development of a framework. The final outcome was the development and enlightenment of a conceptual framework for the management of ICT projects after considering the unique challenges of the military, while reviewing relevant project management methodologies. In conclusion, the conceptual framework proposes a hypothetically workable approach for the management of ICT projects in defence institutions

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