Fluconazole resistance in clinical isolates of Candida albicans in some selected hospitals in Sokoto Metropolis


Aim: The aim of the study is to determine fluconazole resistance in clinical isolates of Candida albicans in some selected hospitals in Sokoto metropolis. Methods: A total of 170 samples were collected consisting of oral swabs, high vaginal swab (HVS) and endocervical swab (ECS). Standard mycological analyses such as culture on chromogenic agar, Germ tube test and antifungal susceptibility testing were carried out to isolate and identify C. albicans. Results: The most prevalent yeast isolated was C. albicans (41.2%) followed by C. krusei(17.6%), C.tropicalis (12.9%) and C. glabrata (1.2%). Prevalence of resistance and susceptibility were 34.3% and 65.7% respectively. Prevalence of resistance was higher in isolates from females (38.5%), age group 41-50 (100%) and ECS (50%). Conclusion: In this study, fluconazole resistant C.albicans is prevalent in Sokoto metropolis and there is need to review antibiotic policy. Keywords: C. albicans; fluconazole; Sokoto; resistance; ECS; HV

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