The tracheophytes (Angiosperms and Pteridopytes) of Augustine University Campus, Ilara-Epe, Lagos State, Nigeria


This study was carried out to assess the avalanche of species existing in an undisturbed vegetation in Lagos State, Nigeria, prior to developmental activities. One hundred and eighty-eight (188) plant species (Angiosperms and Pteridopytes) across 68 families were recorded, following standard taxonomic protocols. The trees and shrubs were dominant and cut across 25 and 24 families, respectively. The family Rubiaceae had the highest number of species represented, with 18, followed by Euphorbiaceae with 17, then Papilionaceae and Apocynaceae with 10 each. This preliminary survey showed that the study area is a rich biodiversity hotspot especially as it accommodated some unique species of South-Western Nigeria. Even though urbanization and the development of the study site is inevitable, the conservation of the Eredo-Sugbo area of the site should be encouraged as much as possible

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