Trembling thoughts:Oral Health, orofacial pain and dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease


The general aim of this thesis was to further our knowledge on the umbrella term “oral health” in patients with Parkinson’s Disease (PD), including oral hygiene, oral health and diseases (e.g., gingivitis, periodontitis, tooth decay, and tooth loss) and orofacial pain and dysfunction (e.g., temporomandibular disorders (TMD) pain, limited jaw movements, and bruxism). The thesis is divided into two parts: (i) oral health and diseases in PD patients (Chapters 2-5) and (ii) orofacial pain and dysfunction in PD patients (Chapters 6-9). Based on the outcomes of the studies included in this thesis, it can be concluded that oral health in its broadest sense is worse in PD patients than in healthy controls. When improving oral health care in this vulnerable patient group is deemed desirable by all stakeholders, we must acknowledge the difficulties experienced by the (oral) health practitioners working with these patients to establish a well-oiled interdisciplinary collaboration

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