Distribution of abo blood group, rhesus factor and haemoglobin genotype in Maiduguri Metropolis, North-eastern Nigeria


To establish the frequency distribution of ABO, Rhesus (Rh) blood groups and haemoglobin genotype in Maiduguri metropolis. Methods: A total of four hundred and seventy subjects consisting of males and females were enrolled into the study. The subjects enrolled were university students and patients coming to the haematology department of the university of Maiduguri teaching hospital they were randomly selected and their ABO blood groups, Rhesus D antigen and genotype were determined. Results: The distribution of the blood groups antigen evaluated by our study are as follows; Blood group O were found to be231 (49.1%), blood group B categorized as 104 (22.1%),blood group A91 (19.3%), and blood group AB had the least 46 (9.3%).The Rhesus (Rh D) factor positivity was 399 (85%), and that (Rh D) negativity were71 (15%). The haemoglobin genotype were expressed as HbAA, AS, SS, AC and SC and the study revealed frequencies of AA, 297 (63.2%), AS, 122 (26%), SS,32 (6.8%),AC 12 (2.5%) and SC 07 (1.4%). Conclusion: This study showed that blood group O is predominant than the other blood groups and that blood group AB had the least. Rhesus (D) positivity was 85% as compared to Rhesus (D) negativity of 15%. The haemoglobin genotype showed HbAA had the highest occurrence, while SC had the least

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