Effect of Web Causation Epidemiological Model on Preventive Behaviors of Diabetic Females with Genitourinary Tract Infection


Context: Genitourinary tract infection becomes a silent epidemic that devastated female life. It is closely interrelated with hyperglycemia, diabetes, and lack of awareness about personal hygiene care. All increase the susceptibility to various types of infections. Aim: To assess the effect of the web causation epidemiological model on preventive behaviors of diabetic females with genitourinary tract infection. Methods: The study was conducted at a diabetic outpatient clinic in El Demerdash Hospital because it received clients from different areas and has a high population rate. This study encompasses a purposive sample of 100 females. A quasi-experimental research design was selected. Data were collected using a structured interviewing questionnaire and preventive practice checklists to assess the knowledge and practices of the diabetic female. Results: 69% of diabetic females had a family history of diabetes mellitus. 39% of them had satisfactory knowledge about causes that increased blood glucose in diabetic females shifted to 81% post-intervention. 35% of diabetic females had satisfactory knowledge about the function of the reproductive system at preprogram shift to 93% at post-program implementation. 34% of diabetic females had satisfactory knowledge about entry urinary tract infection methods at preprogram shift to 81% at post-program implementation. A highly statistically significant association between the presence of urine infection and the application of the web causation model (causative factors) such as lack of hygiene during menstruation, lack of hygiene before and after sexual intercourse, using mechanical contraceptive methods, increase in the intake of salty foods, poor glycemic control and lack of personal hygiene with the results of urine analysis for infection. Conclusions: Females exposed to the web causation epidemiological model exhibited better knowledge and preventive practices after exposure than their pre-intervention level. Apply the web-causation model to high population areas such as slum areas on a large group of participants to improve awareness and practices regarding diabetes mellitus and genitourinary tract infection. Replicate the current study on a representative sample to improve the generalizability

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