The race towards the universal health coverage and factors influencing radiographers' career choice in rural settlements in North-Eastern Nigeria


Background: There is a human resource crisis in the healthcare sector in Nigeria. This is because of the existing inequitable distribution of the available meagre workforce which is itself not helped by the increasing and currently trending brain drain.Purpose: This study aimed at assessing the factors that influence radiographers' choice of career in rural settlements in Northeastern Nigeria.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among Radiographers in Northeastern Nigeria. A 21-item, self-administered semi-structured questionnaire was distributed over a six (6) month period, where 130 questionnaires were distributed. The questionnaire consisted of two sections; a: on demography; b: on factors (attractors and detractors) for career choice in rural areas. Content analysis was used to analyze qualitative data; descriptive statistics were used to analyze quantitative data. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21.0 was used.Results: A total of 91 questionnaires were retrieved, giving a response rate of 70%. There were 56 (61.5%) males and 35 (38.5%) females. About 82 (90.1 %) had B.Sc and 9 (9.9 %) had M.Sc as their highest qualification. The major attractors for accepting rural jobs were improved remuneration 97 (86.8%) and opportunity for continuous professional development 72 (79.1%). While major detractors were, the cultural and traditional beliefs of the people in rural areas 23 (25.3%) and the lack of social amenities/poor infrastructure 22 (24.2%).Conclusion: The attractors for radiographers to rural areas in this study were; improved remuneration, availability of equipment, professional development, availability of social amenities and security among others. To recruit and retain radiographers in the rural areas, government, recruitment agencies and employers should in addition to good remuneration motivate the radiographers by providing adequate power, security, rural posting allowances, good functional equipment and working and learning environment

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