The zooplankton of Mgazana, a mangrove estuary in Transkei, Southern Africa


Mgazana, a mangrove estuary inTranskei, was investigated from May 1972 to March 1973 at six-week intervals. Salinities were consistently above 25 parts per thousand in the middle and lower estuary. In the upper estuary the salinity varied between 4 and 29 parts per thousand. Water temperatures varied between I5.5°C and 28°C. One hundred and fifteen taxa of zooplankton organisms were recorded in the samples. The copepods Acartia naialensis and Oithona brevicornis reached high population densities and numbers exceeding 100 000/m3 of water were recorded. Mysids were major contributors to zooplankton biomass. A maximum biomass of I 200 mg/m3 was recorded in February in the middle estuary and was attributed to the mysid Mesopodopsis africana. Species of mysids showed clear seasonal and spatial patterns of distribution in the estuary

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