Contributions to the biology of the Cape gurnard, Trigla capensis (Pisces : Triglidae): age, growth and reproduction


Study of otoliths of the Cape gurnard,Trigla capensis, has established that the rings are annular. An opaque zone is formed from February to Jury and a hyaline zone during the spawning season from August to March. Females grow faster than males. The Von Bertalanffy growth equation of the females was found to be Lt = 71,4(1-e0 ,100(t + 0,41)) and for the males Lt = 58,6(1-e-0, 100(t + 0,28)). Male fishes are sexually mature at a total length of37cm at the end of the fifth year. The female fishes are all sexually mature at a total length of 35 cm at the age of four years

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