Evaluation of Barley's Beta-glucan Food Fortification through Investigation of Intestinal Permeability in Healthy Adults


Objective: Intestinal permeability is an index of the adequate function of the intestinal barrier and its modification is associated with intestinal diseases. The aim of the study is to investigate the hypothesis that barley's beta-glucan can inhibit the alteration of intestinal permeability and maintain intestinal integrity after a period of consumption of a carbohydrate snack (cake) rich in sugars. Methods and Design: Volunteers participated in a placebo-controlled intervention study for 1 month. In this double-blind methodology, they were randomly assigned to (1) the intervention group (daily consumption of one portion of cake fortified with barley's beta-glucan) or (2) the placebo group (daily consumption of the same cake without the enrichment). Intestinal permeability was assessed using the lactulose/mannitol test. Setting: Athens, Greece. Subjects: Twenty-three healthy volunteers (age > 40 years). Results: Intestinal permeability did not differ between the 2 groups, both at the beginning and at the end of the intervention. In addition, the intestinal permeability was not significantly modified at the end of the intervention in each group. Conclusions: The results of the lactulose/mannitol test for the intervention and placebo groups were comparable. For healthy adults, the daily consumption of a simple cake (placebo) and the consumption of the cake fortified with barley's beta-glucan resulted in similar impact for intestinal permeability; thus, beta-glucans did not exert a protective role in intestinal permeability of healthy adults. © 2016, © 2015 American College of Nutrition Published by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

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