Generating a “Typical Air Pollutant Day” in Thriasio Plain, Greece


The Thriasio Plain is the first and main industrial zone of Greece. The scope of this paper is to generate “Typical Air Pollutant Day” in Thriasio Plain. For this purpose we used data for the time period 2001-2014. The data were provided from the Ministry of Environment and are hourly concentration values of Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen Monoxide and Dioxide, Ozone and daily values of PM10 at Elefsis central station. The results show an improvement of air quality during the last years, especially for Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrogen Monoxide and Dioxide. The time period considered, concurs with the economic and financial crisis in Greece. For Ozone, the results are unclear. Similar results for Ozone were obtained when we compared measurements from the Ministry of Environment’s data for specific days with measurements from the local municipality’s network

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