Relation between coronal type II bursts, associated flares and CMEs


We study a sample of complex events: each includes a, coronal type II burst, accompanied by a GOES SXR flare and LASCO CME. The radio bursts were recorded by the ARTEMISIV radio spectrograph (100-650 MHz range); the GOES SXR flares and SOHO/LASCO CMEs, were obtained from the Solar Geophysical Data, (SGD) and the LASCO lists respectively. The radio burst-flare-CME characteristics were compared and two groups of events with similar behavior were isolated. In the first, the type II shock exciter appears to he a flare blast, wave propagating in the wake of a CME. In the second the type II burst appears CME initiated though it is not always clear if it is driven by the bow or the flanks of the CME or if it is a reconnection shock

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