Antimicrobial activity of seed, pomace and leaf extracts of sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) against foodborne and food spoilage pathogens


The present study was conducted to evaluate the total phenolic content (TPC) and antibacterial properties of crude extracts of sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) pomace, seeds and leaves against 17 foodborne pathogens. The methanolic extract of leaves exhibited high total phenolic content (278.80 mg GAE/g extract) and had low minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) value of 125 μg/ml against Listeria monocytogenes. Salmonella typhimurium strain was found to be resistant against all tested extracts. The antilisterial activity of the methanolic extract of leaves was tested on carrots. Bacterial enumeration was significantly reduced by 0.15 to 0.31, 0.26 to 1.72 and 0.59 to 4.10 log cfu/g after 0 to 60 min exposure when treated with 125, 2500 and 5000 μg/ml extract, respectively. Thus, in addition to its use as a functional food ingredient, leaves extract from sea buckthorn (SBT) can possibly be used as a biosanitizer in food industries.Key words: Antimicrobial activity, Hippophae, Listeria monocytogenes, natural sanitizer, seabuckthorn

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