Motivation, stress, anxiety and self-concept are affective variables which relate to drama performance. An empirical investigation was conducted with the aim to determine the underlying relationship between the different affective variables, to establish the relationship between these variables and achievement in drama and to determine the developmental pattern of the affective factors from Grade 8 to 12. Hundred and one drama learners from Grade 8 to 12 were used in the sample. The results showed that motivation correlates positively with self-concept and self-concept and motivation correlate negatively with anxiety and stress. Stress and anxiety showed a positive correlation which indicates that high stress relates to high anxiety. Significant but low positive correlations were found between motivation, self-concept and drama achievement. No significant relationship could be found between drama achievement and stress or anxiety. Similarly, no significant differences could be identified betweenthe affective factors in the different grades.Keywords: Motivation; stress; anxiety; self-concept; affective variables; drama achievementSleutelwoorde: Motivering; stres; angs; selfkonsep; affektiewe veranderlikes;dramaprestasi