Concurrent imperforate hymen, transverse vaginal septum, and unicornuate uterus: a case report


A 14-year-old premenarcheal adolescent girl presented with lower abdominal discomfort and urine retention. After clinical and imaging examination, an imperforate hymen and a large hematocolpos along the upper part of the vagina was diagnosed. Incision of the imperforate hymen did not lead to drainage of blood or fluid. A complete transverse vaginal septum in the middle third of the vagina was identified and when incised drained approximately 200 mL of a dense brownish fluid. Laparoscopy showed a small unicornuate uterus, confirmed by hysteroscopy. This is the first case in the literature of concurrent imperforate hymen, transverse complete vaginal septum, and unicornuate uterus, and it highlights the potential of a multifactorial embryologic genetic etiology. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

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