Possible east side predominance of the optical emissions of the solar corona


A long term analysis of the green and the red line intensities of the emitting solar corona as well as the polarization of the white corona, which have been compiled by the Pic-du-Midi, Kislovodsk, Irkutsk and Lomnisky Styt observatories, has led to some very interesting results. A prominent East-West asymmetry is obvious in most of the data while a very characteristic seasonal variation of this asymmetry with maxima close to December and minima in July-August is also present. All the errors involved in coronal optical measurements have been examined in a previous paper but none of them have been underlined as the possible cause of the east-west asymmetry. In such a case, the presence of this asymmetry should not be ignored while the reason for its existence should be studied, extensively. Two approximations to a possible explanation of the solar E-W asymmetries have been reported in the discussion section of this article. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V

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