The rationale of NATO founding and N.J. Spykman’s geopolitical example


The foundation of NATO on April 4th, 1949 marked in the most exquisite manner the disintegration of the alliance of the US, Great Britain and USSR which lasted during WWII. At the same time it coincided with the introduction of a new post-war system of power equilibrium, with the Cold War as its main characteristic. This total geopolitical confrontation of the two superpowers and their respective satellites extended around the globe, begun in the ruins of post-war Europe, where the long-standing geopolitical ambitions of both sides manifested themselves, reinforced through the reproduction of established myths and stereotypes, as well as national interests. This power equilibrium was based on the framework of values and principles put forth by the UN Charter in 1945 as the bedrock of the postwar international system. The guiding principles of the UN Charter prescribe the delegitimization of the use of violence in international relations as an accepted way of solving international disputes (Articles 2.3 and 2.4), respect of the domestic jurisdiction of any state (Article 2.7), and the right of self-defense, even in its version of collective self defense, as defined in Article 51 (and thereafter in the corresponding Article 5 of the NATO Charter and the corresponding provisions of the Warsaw Pact). The new post-war world order was built amidst an atmosphere of insecurity, fear, distrust and even hate, emanating from both sides. As a consequence Germany was divided between two states, while the whole of Europe was divided between two blocs. The so-called West and the USSR came to a confrontation through the blockade of Berlin by the Soviets (1948-1949). It was during that period that ΝΑΤΟ was created

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