Application of Nida’s Concept of Formal and Dynamic Equivalence to English Translation of Surah Al-Tariq


The Holy Quran is the last book of Allah revealed to Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH. It has been translated into many languages of the world. I have chosen English translation of one of its chapters i.e. Surah Al-Tariq to examine Eugene Nida's theory of translation. Considering Formal and Dynamic Equivalence as theoretical framework, I will evaluate the translation of Surah Al-Tariq, translated by an Ahmadi scholar, Muhammad Ali, in order to examine to what extent Eugene Nida's theory of translation is applicable to English translation of Surah Al-Tariq. The Holy Qura'n is comprised of 114 Surahs which are in certain order. Current research will facilitate us apply the same theoretical framework to other Surahs of the Holy Quran in order to enhance our understanding about it

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