Web sayfalarının kullanıcı tarafında enerji tasarrufu için dönüştürülmesi


Mobile devices are essential to everyday life in order to have access to information everywhere. However, browsing web pages can be inconvenient on these devices because of the various constraints, such as limited battery size, processing power and device memory. As a result of these limitations, while browsing a web page, the battery of the mobile devices is drained. To solve this inconvenience and save energy while browsing, this thesis presents transcoding techniques that can be applied to web pages without modifying the look&feel of the web pages and without adding extra load on the client or the server. These techniques are implemented as part of our system called Twes+ (Transcoding Web Pages for Energy Saving). The software architecture of Twes+ includes two main services: (1) Redirect transcoding and (2) image transcoding. This thesis first explains Twes+ in depth and then presents its evaluation. The evaluation results show that there is a statistically significant energy saving with Twes+. Finally, this thesis also discusses limitations and the future work.-M.S. - Master of Scienc

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