Teaching versus Research: An Imbalance of Importance?


This article features two essays presenting the major argumentative positions advanced by teams Robert E. Pruett and James E. Sayer and Norbert H. Mills and David E. Tucker, regarding the topic: Resolved: that teaching and research are mutually-exclusive activities. Pruett and Sayer upheld the affirmative position on the resolution, while Mills and Tucker upheld the negative. In the traditional sense, it is easy to claim that the function of a professor is twofold: to be an effective and creative teacher and, at the same time, be able to accumulate and disseminate knowledge through research. Regardless of what is said, teaching has become subservient to research and, while the responsibility of faculty members is to remain current in their fields, research is a separate activity that does not necessarily make one a better teacher and certainly is exclusive from the teaching function. N. Mills and D. Tucker contend that there is no constituency because teaching has been devalued and separated from research

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