The Use of Circle Games as A Strategy to Improve The Student’s Mastery in English Vocabulary


This research is conducted to analyze circle games as a strategy to improve the student’s mastery in English vocabulary as six B grade of SSC TUBAN. It is conducted to find out whether the students of six B grade of SSC TUBAN will have a good changing in their learning or even become worse after getting the treatments and to know how the students’ responses toward circle games as a teaching strategy. In conducting this research, the researcher used classroom action research as the design of the research. Then, the subject of this research is the student of six B grade of SSC TUBAN. As the instruments of the research, the researcher used they are pictures, field notes, test, and questionnaire. Then, the researcher analyze the result of the study by comparing the students’ score of pre-test and post-test. The result of the data analysis shows that the average score in the pre-test is 68% and post-test is 85%. It shows us that the score average in the post-test is higher than the score average in the pre-test. It can be concluded that the students have a progress in learning foreign language by using circle games. The result of the students’ responses toward circle games showed that most of the students responded positively to the game used as a strategy to teach them. It was taken by giving the questionnaire to the students

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