Concept of Infected Wound (Dushta Vrana) in Ayurveda


Man is the superior most creature of God, having a sufficient intellectual mind to discover new things andconcurrently overcome the existing problems. So from very ancient time different methods of wound carehave been described. Wound is a separation or break in continuity of skin, mucous membrane or tissuecaused by physical, chemical or biological insult. Wound infections continue to represent a major medicalproblem, both in terms of how they affect the outcome of surgical procedures and for their impact on thelength of hospital stay and medical costs. In Ayurveda, an infected wound may be co-related with dushtavrana. Sushruta has explained that “vrana” (wound) is so called as it covers the site and the scar and evenafter healing, does not disappear till the person lives. Proper wound care is necessary to prevent infectionand to promote healing of the wound. In this paper, emphasis has been given to dushta vrana and itsmanagement description according to Samhita and an attempt has been made to explain the infectedwound according to modern concept

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