Parenting Adolescence


Adolescence is derived from Latin word “Adolescere” meaning to grow in maturity.[1] World Health Organization (WHO) defines “adolescence” as a period between 10 to 19 years of age.[2] It is a period in which a person is no longer a child and not yet an adult. It is a phase of growth and development from childhood to adulthood and onset of puberty to reproductive maturity. There are estimated 1.2 billion (120 crores) adolescents in the world [3] and in India these constitute nearly 21.4% of population i.e. 243 millions.[4]Adolescence is life’s fascinating and perhaps one of the most complex stages of life. It is the time when young people take on responsibilities and experiences experiments with independence. During adolescence there is a rapid physical growth and development of physical, mental, social, psychological and sexual aspects. In addition to these changes some behavioral changes also occur like independency, intimacy, identity, intellect, peer group dependence. The process of rapid and multifaceted changes makes them vulnerable to many problems. About 40% of global burden of diseases falls on them.[3] For majority of the problems of adolescents the root cause is the lack of proper guidance and support by parents; providing which is a challenge

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