A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of E-Module on High-Alert Medications in Terms of Knowledge among Student Nurses in a Selected College of Nursing in Delhi


Introduction: Use of medications is central to modern healthcare, and nearly all patients visiting a hospitalwill receive one or more medicines during their hospital stay or upon discharge. Medication use is a complexprocess and includes intervention by several health personnel, for example, physicians, pharmacists,nurses and student nurses to ensure safety of the patient.1.High-alert medicines have been proven to besafe and effective when taken properly. But they can cause injury if a mistake happens while taking them.This means that it is vitally important to know about these medicines and take them exactly as intended.2Methodology: The research approach selected for the study was quantitative approach with pretestposttestdesign. Convenient sampling was used for the selection of 60 student nurses from Rufaida Collegeof Nursing to evaluate their knowledge on high-alert medications. The tool developed and used for datacollection was a structured knowledge questionnaire on high-alert medications to assess the knowledgeof student nurses on high-alert medications. E-module on high-alert medications was developed by theresearcher and administered to student nurses.Results: The present study revealed that the e-module was an effective method of teaching in nursing.The mean posttest knowledge score (44.03) was higher than the mean pretest knowledge score (30.23)with a mean difference of (13.8). It indicated gain in knowledge by the student nurses. The obtained meandifference was found to be statistically significant as evident from the β€˜z’ value of 8.8193 at 0.05 level ofsignificance. There was no significant association between knowledge of student nurses on high-alertmedications with their selected demographic variables like age, educational qualification, percentage inclass attendance, marks obtained in previous exam, and area of domicile.Conclusion: E-module on high-alert medications was found to be effective in improving the knowledgeof student nurses on high-alert medications. There was significant difference found in the pretest andposttest mean scores of student nurses. It shows that the e-module on high-alert medications was effectivein enhancing the knowledge of student nurses on high-alert medications

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