Tooth-Support over Dentures: An approach to Preventive Prosthodontics


Over denture is a favoured treatment modality for elderly patients with few remaining teeth. Roots maintained under the denture base preserve the alveolar ridge, provide sensory feedback and improve the stability of the dentures. The concept of conventional tooth-retained over dentures is a simple and cost effective treatment than the implant over dentures. When few firm teeth are present in an otherwise compromised dentition, they can be retained and used as abutments for over denture fabrication. The concept of over dentures may not be the elixir, but it is a positive means for delaying the process of complete endentulism and helps in the preservation of bone. To top it all, it gives the patient the satisfaction of having prosthesis with his natural teeth still present. The present case reports discuss the rehabilitation of an edentulous patient with a tooth supported over denture with metal copings

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