Some properties of concrete with recycled brick as aggregate


U radu je prikazana mogućnost upotrebe reciklirane opeke kao agregata za beton. Eksperimentalni rad je uključio vise vrsta betona spravljenih sa 350 kg/m3 cementa i sa ili bez dodatka polimera. Kao agregat je korišćena kombinacija rečnog peska i reciklirane opeke. Izloženi su rezultati komparativne analize betona na bazi reciklirane opeke na sledeća svojstva betona: čvrstoću pri pritisku, statički i dinamički modul elastičnosti zavisnost napona i deformacija i dilatacije skupljanja.Possibility of using recycled brick as a component (aggregate) of concrete is shown in this paper. Experimental work included few kinds of concrete, made with the same cement content (350 kg/m3) and with or without polymer admixture. Combination of river sand and recycled brick were using as aggregate. The results of comparative analyze of concrete based on recycled brick are shown. Investigations included follow properties: compressive strength, statical and dynamical module of elasticity, stress-strain dependent and shrinkage dilatation

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