FENDI: High-Fidelity Entanglement Distribution in the Quantum Internet


A quantum network distributes quantum entanglements between remote nodes, which is key to many quantum applications. However, unavoidable noise in quantum operations could lead to both low throughput and low quality of entanglement distribution. This paper aims to address the simultaneous exponential degradation in throughput and quality in a buffered multi-hop quantum network. Based on an end-to-end fidelity model with worst-case (isotropic) noise, we formulate the high-fidelity remote entanglement distribution problem for a single source-destination pair, and prove its NP-hardness. To address the problem, we develop a fully polynomial-time approximation scheme for the control plane of the quantum network, and a distributed data plane protocol that achieves the desired long-term throughput and worst-case fidelity based on control plane outputs. To evaluate our algorithm and protocol, we develop a discrete-time quantum network simulator. Simulation results show the superior performance of our approach compared to existing fidelity-agnostic and fidelity-aware solutions

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