Thin THz QCL active regions for improved continuous-wave operating temperature


We compare the performance of 10 and 5 μm thick metal-metal waveguide terahertz quantum-cascade laser ridges operating around 2.7 THz and based on a 4-well phonon depopulation active region design. Thanks to reduced heat dissipation and lower thermal resistance, the 5 μm thick material shows an 18 K increase in continuous wave operating temperature compared to the 10 μm material, despite a lower maximum pulsed-mode operating temperature and a larger input power density. A maximum continuous wave operating temperature of 129 K is achieved using the 5 μm thick material and a 15 μm wide ridge waveguide, which lased up to 155 K in the pulsed mode. The use of thin active regions is likely to become increasingly important to address the increasing input power density of emerging 2- and 3-well active region designs that show the highest pulsed operating temperatures

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