Support to the processes of monitoring and recognition of pests and diseases in eucalyptus plantations in San Martín, Meta


El monitoreo fitosanitario en plantaciones comerciales es una de las principales labores preventivas de un programa de manejo integrado de plagas. En plantaciones forestales comerciales establecidas en el municipio de San Martin, Meta, se realizó un muestreo exploratorio de forma aleatoria en el año 2019. Se evaluaron daños, síntomas y signos observados en individuos de Eucalyptus pellita y Eucalyptus grandis y Eucalyptus urophylla x E. grandis. Se reconocieron 15 problemas fitosanitarios incluyendo ataques por insectos, hongos y bacterias, distribuidos en individuos desde los 0 a 4 años de edad. Entre las afectaciones con mayor prevalencia se resaltan insectos defoliadores como Atta sp. y barrenadores de albura como Microcerotermes exiguus, en plantaciones jóvenes, succionadores de savia como Selenothrips rubrocinctus, hongos causantes de manchas foliares como Coniella sp. y Cylindrocladium sp. y marchitez bacteriana provocada por Ralstonia solanacearum. Un muestreo mas intensivo es necesario para establecer el impacto de cada problema y planear medidas de prevención y contención.Phytosanitary monitoring in commercial plantations is one of the main preventive activities of an integrated management program. In forest commercial plantation established in San Martin, Meta (Colombia), a random exploratory sampling was achieved in the year 2019. Sampling included identification of damage, symptoms and signs in young trees (0 to 4 years-old) of Eucalyptus pellita, Eucalyptus grandis and the hybrid Eucalyptus urophylla x E. grandis. As a result, 15 phytosanitary problems caused by insects, fungi and bacteria, were recognized and assessed. The highest prevalence, was caused by leaf feeding ants: Atta sp. and the trunk borer: Microcerotermes exiguus, as well as the sap suckers species: Selenothrips rubrocinctus. Diseases caused by fungi were leaf spots by Coniella sp. and Cylindrocladium sp. and bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum. A more comprehensive sampling is necessary in order to establish the impact of each problem identified and plan accordingly to prevent and manage the dispersion.Campo Forestal S.A

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