
Ventilation of double facades


This paper deals with the development and thetesting of a simulation algorithm for the temperaturebehaviour and the flow characteristics of doublefaçades. It has been developed in order to obtain atool which enables the energy consultant to makequick design decisions without being required to usefairly complicated CFD tools.In order to determine the degree of accuracy of thealgorithm, a double façade has been monitored undercontrolled conditions and the results have beencompared against the predicted values for severaldesign situations. The resulting inaccuracy in somecases can be traced back to how the flow resistanceof various geometries are modelled. This paper deals with the development and thetesting of a simulation algorithm for the temperaturebehaviour and the flow characteristics of doublefaçades. It has been developed in order to obtain atool which enables the energy consultant to makequick design decisions without being required to usefairly complicated CFD tools.In order to determine the degree of accuracy of thealgorithm, a double façade has been monitored undercontrolled conditions and the results have beencompared against the predicted values for severaldesign situations. The resulting inaccuracy in somecases can be traced back to how the flow resistanceof various geometries are modelled

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