Energy renovation of primary school of Šempeter in Savinjska valley


V magistrskem delu smo predstavili zakonodajo, smernice in pravilnike, ki urejajo energetsko učinkovitost stavb, energetsko izkaznico, natančneje opisali njeno vsebino ter na praktičnem primeru energetske sanacije osnovne šole Šempeter v Občini Žalec naredili analizo sanacije z vzporednim preračunom kazalnikov energetske učinkovitosti pred sanacijo in po njej ter prikazali ukrepe, s katerimi smo dosegli izboljšanje toplotne izoliranosti, povečanje prihrankov pri rabi električne in toplotne energije, večjo uporabo obnovljivih virov energije, zmanjšanje emisij toplogrednih plinov, znižanje obratovalnih stroškov objekta ter povečanje ozaveščenosti uporabnikov. Izdelali smo računsko in merjeno energetsko izkaznico ter rezultate primerjali s tistimi, ki jih je dobil pogodbeni izvajalec v času izvajanja renovacije. Izveden je bil tudi termografski pregled objekta, kjer se je analizirala toplotna izoliranost stavbe.In our thesis we presented the legislation, guidelines and rules governing the energy performance of buildings, energy certificate, described its content in more detail and used a practical example of energy renovation of primary school of Šempeter in municipality of Žalec to do an analysis of energy rehabilitation with parallel calculations of energy efficiency indicators before and after energy renovation and presented the measures, that were taken to achieve the goals of improving thermal insulation, increasing savings in electricity and heat consumption, greater use of renewable energy sources, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reducing the operating costs of the facility and raising user awareness. We made a calculated and a measured energy performance certificate and compared the results with the ones that were calculated by the contractor when the renovation was made. A thermographic inspection of the building was also carried out, where the thermal insulation of the building was analysed

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