Examining the feasibility of LoRa-based monitoring in large-scale disaster response scenarios


Following a natural disaster or other large-scale events which require emergency response assessing and monitoring the situation at hand is of critical importance. However, some infrastructure that is often relied upon such as cellular service or the power grid might be temporarily disrupted or entirely unavailable. In order to be able to still transmit relevant monitoring data gathered from sensors, the use of a low-cost LPWAN with LoRa modulation technique is suggested in the approach presented here. Combined with an analysis of disaster response in Germany the relevant aspects are consolidated in a concept utilizing LoRaWAN with a ChirpStack backend that is easy to set up and entirely independent of external infrastructure. The proposed addition which aims to support disaster control management in Germany is then tested in conjunction with a fictional flooding scenario where an area is monitored with autarkic sensors using LoRaWAN technology

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