Single nucleus analysis of the chromatin landscape in mouse forebrain development


ABSTRACT Genome-wide analysis of chromatin accessibility in primary tissues has uncovered millions of candidate regulatory sequences in the human and mouse genomes 1–4 . However, the heterogeneity of biological samples used in previous studies has prevented a precise understanding of the dynamic chromatin landscape in specific cell types. Here, we show that analysis of the transposase-accessible-chromatin in single nuclei isolated from frozen tissue samples can resolve cellular heterogeneity and delineate transcriptional regulatory sequences in the constituent cell types. Our strategy is based on a combinatorial barcoding assisted single cell assay for transposase-accessible chromatin 5 and is optimized for nuclei from flash-frozen primary tissue samples (snATAC-seq). We used this method to examine the mouse forebrain at seven development stages and in adults. From snATAC-seq profiles of more than 15,000 high quality nuclei, we identify 20 distinct cell populations corresponding to major neuronal and non-neuronal cell-types in foetal and adult forebrains. We further define cell-type specific cis regulatory sequences and infer potential master transcriptional regulators of each cell population. Our results demonstrate the feasibility of a general approach for identifying cell-type-specific cis regulatory sequences in heterogeneous tissue samples, and provide a rich resource for understanding forebrain development in mammals

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